
April 15 – 19

We plunge headlong into our OVERHEARD series with a discussion about anxiety and the mental pressures that come from everyday life.

Monday—Read: Matthew 6:25 Think: In Jesus' famous sermon, he includes the kinds of things we worry about that we shouldn’t. What are they? Pray: Give thanks for the clothing, food, shelter, and necessities of life you have.

Tuesday—Read: Matthew 6:25-34 Think: Reading the entire context of Jesus' prohibition on worry gives us a better picture of what he is describing. Are you guilty of this kind of worry or anxiety? Or is something else going on? Pray: Talk to the Lord about the kinds of things, or issues, that cause stress in your life.

Wednesday—Read: Philippians 4:6 Think: Paul likewise tells us not to worry and offers a plan for dealing with it. What is his plan? Pray: Ask the Lord for what you need, give thanks for what you have or what he has done, and then repeat this over all the situations that cause you stress.

Thursday—Read: Philippians 4:6-7 Think: We are promised peace. Is peace achievable in this lifetime? How exactly can peace ‘guard’ our hearts? Pray: Repeat the same prayer exercise from Wednesday, and then follow it with a time of silence as you listen for the peace of God.

Friday—Read: Matthew 11:28-30 Think: Many people suffer from a weary soul. How can we take our burdens to Jesus? What are we actually laying down in this process? Pray: Open the email from this week marked Prayer and Praises and pray through the prayer list.

April 22 - 26

This Sunday we have the special treat of having two worship services: one at our building at 9:30 where we will continue in the OVERHEARD series, but then again at 11AM with our annual worship service with community churches in Johnson Park. We will focus on both of these in the D.B.R.

Monday—Read: Judges 6:1-35 Think: Who was oppressing the Hebrews? What did Gideon do that got everyone’s attention? Pray: Ask God to speak to you like he did to Gideon about what pagan ‘altars’ in your life need to be torn down.

Tuesday—Read: Judges 6:36-40 Think: What do you think of Gideon’s test? What exactly was he asking of God? Have you ever done something similar? Pray: Talk to the Lord about a specific situation in your life that you are uncertain about how to proceed.

Wednesday—Read: Genesis 17:15-19; 18:9-15 Think: Abraham and Sarah both laughed, in their own way, at God’s promise of a child. Why? Is this a kind of disbelief or doubt? How did God respond? Pray: Ask God for something unbelievable and impossible.

Thursday–Read: John 17 Think: When Jesus prayed for unity among all his followers, do you think he was praying for us in Marble Falls? Why or why not? Pray: For Trinity Episcopal, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian, St. Peter’s Lutheran, and St. Frederick Baptist today – for their leadership, spiritual vibrancy, and witness in our community.

Friday—Read: Psalm 133:1-3 Think: This image filled psalm asks us to think about the blessing of unity. How could unity among churches be a blessing? Pray: Open the email from this week marked Prayer and Praises and pray through the prayer list.