For the next several weeks our focus is on James. The sermons will be all over the place in terms of texts and themes, but our daily reading will be sequential.
Monday – James 5:1-3
Where else have you read about treasures on earth being moth-eaten and destroyed? (hint: check Matthew 6). Are the rich unique in their coming miseries?
Pray to God that you will be hindered by your riches.
Tuesday - James 5:4-6
What economic injustice had these certain rich people committed that offended God so? Do you think there are any parallels to this teaching with things like taxes, tips, minimum wage, and pensions?
Ask the Lord to show you a person or people you are delinquent in paying.
Wednesday – James 5:7-12
In these verses, James seems to connect grumbling with patience. How are they connected?
Confess the sin of grumbling and complaining, and make a list of people you need to apologize to because you have ‘grumbled’ or ‘complained’ in their presence.
Thursday - James 5:13-15
Prayer is vital in the life of a believer. James talks about elders and oil as aspects of prayer. How is this kind of prayer different from cloistered, private, in your own closet kind of prayer? Why do we need both?
Pray for ‘elders’ who bear the burdens of pray for others, then consider asking ‘elders’ to pray over an issue of illness, pain, addiction, doubt, or fear as they ‘anoint you with oil.’
Friday - James 5:16-20
Elijah prayed about rain. The drought caused him a great number of personal problems and pain upon the land. Are you willing to endure the pain of great prayer?
Pray for someone who has wandered from the faith, then open the email from this week marked ‘Prayer and Praises’ and pray through the prayer list.
February 3-7