
March 10-14

Much of the New Testament is letters written to churches – but few of those letters give detail description about what a church is and does. Much is assumed. This Sunday we will be thinking about church in a big picture kind of way, and to help get our mind on that we will read some pivotal passages from the letter to Colossae.
Monday – Colossians 1:9-14
This is Paul’s prayer for the church at Colossae – and it is a very specific request for God the people in the church and the church as a group to ‘walk worthy’ and ‘be strengthened’. How do you understand those two things? 
Pray Paul’s prayer, but make it about our church, then do the same thing for two other churches that are important to you.  
Tuesday – Colossians 1:15-23
Paul employs his favorite metaphor for the church – a body. It is the body of Christ. What place in this body is Christ? If a person is not in the church, can he or she have Christ as the head; can an amputated body part still be connected to the brain?
Talk to the Lord about your role in the church.
Wednesday – Colossians 1:24-29                                       
The mystery of the ages, Paul says, has been revealed in the church. How is this mystery connected to glory?
Meditate in silence on the mysteries of faith, then ask the Lord to help our church celebrate and protect them.
Thursday – Colossians 3:5-17
Verse 11 is one of those clarion calls to equality in the church. What are the various factions Paul might refer to today?
Verse 16 calls on us to sing – pick a favorite faith-filled song and sing it to the Lord today as a prayer.
Friday – Colossians 4:7-18
Lists of names are wonderful, and each of these listed here are worthy of study. However, of particular interest is the admonition in verse 16. Where was this letter supposed to be sent? What was supposed to happen to it? What can this tell us about some of the activity of our mothers and fathers in the early church?
Open the email from this week marked ‘Prayer and Praises’ and pray through the prayer list.