
July 22-26

Let’s have some friends over for a great big dinner party, and break out the really super nice plates and cups. What could go wrong? Well, let’s find out in Daniel 5.

MondayRead: Daniel 5:1-4 Think: How would you describe what is happening here? Have you ever been to a party that got carried away? Pray: For someone you know who is so caught up in living for pleasure they have lost contact with reality.

TuesdayRead: Daniel 5:5-9 Think: We see once again that in the book of Daniel the ‘experts’ are not competent in the field they claim to dominate. Their inability to read the text on the wall should tell us something. What might it indicate? Pray: For wisdom to know when the ‘experts’ might not be accurate.

WednesdayRead: Daniel 5:10-12 Think: The queen mother remembers the old guy. Why do you think Daniel might have no longer been actively serving and working in the royal administration? Pray: Ask the Lord to show you the ‘wise people’ who might not be actively working or serving, but who could definitely shed some light on your present situation.

ThursdayRead: Daniel 5:13-28 Think: Daniel pulls no punches with the young king. Where have we seen these vessels before in the book of Daniel? Why would this, of all things, be the thing that causes God to act? Pray: For wisdom and knowledge to read, ‘the writing(s) on the wall(s).’

FridayRead: Daniel 5:29-31 Think: The king is a Nabal kind of fool without thought for reflection, repentance, and transformation. Are you ever like that? Pray: Open the email from this week marked Prayer and Praises and pray through the prayer list.